Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Danger Within....

There it sits, quiet, unassuming. Nobody knows the danger that lurks car.

Yes, that is right. My car. I got into it awhile back and I go to insert the key into the ignition and to my surprise I saw a snake slithering across my dashboard. Now, I'm not really afraid of snakes but to see one unexpectedly like that startled me. I jumped right back out of the car and stood there for a moment in disbelief. Did I really just see what I thought I saw? I called my mom, although what she was supposed to do about a snake in my car I do not know. Anyway, after a few minutes I calmed down, got back in the car, and drove to my mom's to pick up the kids. I haven't seen the snake since, but it was just a tiny little guy and he was kind of cute. On a good note though, it sure does get me out of giving rides to people I don't want to. The thought of driving with a snake is a little too much for some people!

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