Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Happy Baby

So my son is normally a pretty happy little guy. He hardly ever cries except when hurt or hungry, so I thought this series that I have been working on is especially funny.

Roger enjoying Zoo Boise

Roger enjoying the Splash Festival

Roger enjoying the 4th of July

Roger enjoying the River Festival

Roger enjoying Harley weekend at Ocean Shores

And finally, last but not least, Roger enjoying the fair.
Finally! He did not cry the whole time we were there!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I want to tell you a story....

It was written eleven years ago, right before I turned sixteen. It takes place during the summer, and what a great summer that was. And like all great stories, it starts with "Once Upon a Time..."

"There was this boy. He was tall, handsome, with dark hair and greenish-brown eyes. He had met this girl a year ago, and she was his best friend. They were together all the time, going to the beach together, talking for hours on the phone, and staying the night at each other's houses.

One day in August, this boy called this girl and asked her to spend the night at his house. The next day they went for a walk around town and came across a path. Curious, they followed it and ended up at the most beautiful beach. The ocean looked so wonderful, they decided to swim. They went in with their clothes on, playing in the water for hours before retreating to sandy beach. Sitting there, wet and shivering, they watched as the sun began to set.

The setting sun turned the sky red, blue, and finally purple. The top of the sun was barely visible at the very end of the horizon over the ocean. This boy put his arm around this girl. She leaned into him, gathering his warmth. She looked up into his face, and he looked down at her. Then, this boy says, "I think we should be together." This girl says, "Alright," and they kiss as the sun completely sets and they are left in the darkness."

I have been feeling quite nostalgic lately, and wanted this out. It is one of my favorite memories, Ben and I on that beach that summer. We spent the rest of that summer there, swimming in our clothes, sometimes not in our clothes. It was large private beach, and we never did see anyone else there. This story may have started with once upon a time, but, unfortunately, there is no happy ending. Yet. I am working on it. This boy, this man, and I are meant for each other. I believe this as I have never believed anything else. It is just not our time yet.